
Thursday, February 27

Real Life

Hi Friends, I haven't posted much on real life around here.
My goal this year was to post once a week about real life..
Thoughts and frustrations. The good and the bad,
Because this is it, friends. Life is in session.
I easily forget this simple truth and end up looking forward a little too much,
instead of being right here and treasuring these crazy moments and days and weeks.
I don't want to miss it! So here we are...

Right now: 
Thankful for the rain and coffee.

About to go insane with one adorably sick two
year old who won't keep his clothes on

and one extremely persistent five year.
old who always. wants. more.
Breathe in. Breathe out.
We're working on it...

My goal for today to maintain my personal sanity: 
No warnings, just time outs the first time.
I think I can. I think I can. I think I can. 

Can we be honest for a minute?
Have I ever told you that being home with kids is 
10 X harder than working full time? For me it is. 
Every time I say that I feel like I need to explain:
I feel super fortunate to even get to be home with them.
I know lots of moms who would love to be home with their kids.
blah, blah, blah. yes. all that.
I know I am where I'm supposed to be.
But some days are tougher than others, right?

Our big outing on this rainy day:
Bank. $.99 Store. Sprouts. 
Maybe a lap around Target, if we get desperate.

My goal:
feed my children.

The highlight of our month:
Auntie Cami & Uncle Steve came to visit from Texas.
Jack & Josh have two new best friends (don't tell Papa and Grandpa)
They are serious playmates. We went to Legoland.

and we took a tour through the Midway,
an Aircraft Carrier in the Harbor.

We all went to the beach. In February.
Uncle Steve played in the water with the kids for hours on end.
He needs to live here, and rent himself out to parents
like me who can't brave the 0 degree water.
Okay, that may be a little creepy, but worth every penny.

In my art world... um...there is no new art to speak of.
 My spirit is willing, but my flesh falls into bed at 8:00.
I'm not even exagerating. Jack asks me to snuggle, and how can I resist?
I am down for the count.

We made the big decision for me to work part time for at least another year.
So we are on the 0 spending, pay off all of our debt, Dave Ramsey plan.
Can I just tell you that... we are making it!
What the heck? I'm so encouraged.
We are squeezing every penny out of everything and
we are making it work!
I say this with such fervor because on paper, our budget doesn't work.
On paper we come up short. Every month.
But then you buy some art (Thank you!), or Darryl gets some overtime
and it just works. Thank you Lord!

Holy art love, Batman. Can you even stand it? I can't.
I love this artist. All of her work, 
but especially her mixed media, makes me so happy.
I love the combination of textures with clay and wood and subtle tones 
I just can't even describe how or why her work speaks to me.
Makes me want to go buy a big block of wet clay & start playing. 

We are doing this Gideon study in my bible study and I love it. I love her. 
And I'm not just saying that. She's rad. 
I'm super sad to miss this morning: 
coffee, friends, CHILDCARE, and Priscilla?
Seriously, what more could I possibly ask for?
If you haven't heard her, do yourself a favor and indulge. 
I just bought the video sessions from this study
(they're only $5!) and worth every penny.
Okay. I'll stop. but you will love her too.
Here is a great little podcast about being content.

That's about all that's going on around here.
Um, just one more thing:
I think these real life posts are important because
I've been doing a bunch of crafty house stuff...

and the blog is starting to look a little... shall I say...clean?
plastic. shiny. perfect. did I mention...clean?

And that's just not me.
I am messy. and broken and trying my best to be real here.
and the crafty pictures on my blog make me happy,
but please don't think they're real life.
I kind of assume you already know that,
but I just want to make sure, mk? mk.

We're off to take baths and read books and take naps.
Happy real life, friends.

1 comment:

  1. Love your post! I connect with the 2 yr. old grandson who only wears a diaper most the time at home, second nursing grandson who is permanently attached to his Momma, toys all over... I try to give my daughters law help by playing with the boys while she takes a bath, throw some laundry in, runs to the corner for milk (which is a mini vacation for her!) she too quit job to be full time Mom, but my son is over-the-road trucker which puts a little stress on the family. I pray over all them often/daily. Your post is inspiring... Thank you.
